What is the role of our male allies?

It is no secret that men have traditionally held the reigns of power when it comes to technology. However, given the ever-growing importance and the potential impact for web3 technology in our lives, it is clear that this is no longer sustainable.

There are 2 key ways to do this: awareness & action.

First, men need to increase their awareness of what we call, gendered nuances. Those micro moments when someone is treated differently based on their gender. They must pay attention to gender differences and spot them when they happen. If these moments continue to be ignored society will continue to perpetuate the same inequalities that have existed for far too long.

A recent Harvard Business Review study found a large discrepancy between men’s perception of being able to notice these moments and take action and women’s account of the percent of time they observe men taking action. Meaning men think they are being a lot better allies than they really are in practice according to women.

The good news is when men take part in allyship training they are able to increase their skills at identifying these moments and stepping up to take action. In same places, men were able to triple the perception from a low of 9% up to 27%.

Therefore, the next steps are clear -

ah,hem men… it’s time to get to work. For starters, consider coming to one of Web3 Equity’s in person Male Allyship Best Practices sessions hosted monthly in Miami.


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